This is a start to my personal library that I have begun in order to share books with those who are interested in learning more about Dying, Preparing for Death, Grieving and Caregiving. This is a small example of what is out there, but I wanted to make them available for people to read and look through so that they could decide if they need to have a copy of their own.
Knowledge can give back some power when dealing with life limiting illness, preparations and caregiving.
The first group is by an author I really like (though I like many), I love how Barbara writes. Her books are easy to read, to the point and just so knowledgeable. I have been on many webinars that she has spoken on and also listened to many podcasts that she has been interviewed on. She always teaches me something. You can find her at in the US or save on shipping if you are in Canada by going to the Death Doula Network International under Membership and Products: .
These books below are great reading for anyone interested in learning more about the dying and what has been written about the dying process. These I either bought through a book store or had them donated.
The Hospice Doctor's Widow is a beautiful journal written by Jennifer O'Brien. She is another amazing woman I have had the privilege of meeting online and she had also graciously agreed to be on my Campfire Chat last year and has allowed me to use her book as a conversation starter. This honest heartfelt book gives a touching portrayal of her life with Bob as he was dying. "Everyone facing death - their own or a loved one's - benefits from this love story and practical guide in one."
You can find more about the book and other generous offerings on her website

These books are great ways to get started on some planning, looking at your values and wishes and the practical side of having your affairs in order.
The 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death is by Willow and you can find this and more of what they offer at
My Personal Comfort Plan is by Chelsea Peddle can be found at and it can also be purchased through the DDNI site:
The Digital Legacy Plan is an eye opener to what we are leaving behind as a digital legacy and what we can do to help our loved ones close out much of that, I purchased it through Amazon.
Then there is the topic of Grief. There are tons of books out there and these are just a few. I again had either purchased these or they have been donated to me.
Love Your Life to Death talks about our death fearing society and by encouraging us to talk we can live the best life we can and start the conversations. Yvonne Heath is a wonderful speaker as well, so if you get a chance to hear or see her, don't miss it. You can find more about Yvonne here:
Her If You Need Me is a true story a wonderful friend of mine sent me to read and it was very compelling. It's one more way to learn about how we deal with life and death.
If you are near by and would like to borrow any of these books, please let me know. If you just want the low down, again, let me know and we can chat about the books too and see if they are something you might want to add to your collection.
Keep coming back here, I will continue to add more as I get them. I am a sucker for a good book.
If you have any you would like to donate to me, I am open to that as well.